Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Harford County Executive David R. Craig acknowledged the commitment of R4i-SDHC by stating

Harford County Executive David R. Craig acknowledged the commitment of R4i-SDHC by stating: "We are very pleased that R4 Incorporated has chosen to move to Harford County. R4 has been a partner in the early transition to BRAC APG / Edgewood and welcome CEO and Chairman Scott Crockett Dave Lewis and the R4 team all as new members and valued in our business community. "
This increases support the new facilities underway in Iraq R4 allowing engineers and technicians the ability to develop, field and support new and innovative technologies in the field of fight against IEDs. R4 using the latest equipment and facilities including four-door low-level access, ramps and large has secure facilities to support our customers. The work done at the facility include systems integration, reverse engineering, shape-setting function, prototypes, assemblies and covers vehicle traffic and complete facilities. Furthermore, these capabilities allow R4 to bring the battlefield problems and requirements to the nearby APG / Edgewood where solutions can be developed for rapid deployment to the soldiers in the field.
About 50 employees, including executives R4 acekard 2i, engineers and support staff, is in the newly constructed, 21,000 square feet of facilities in the Lake Edgewood development. It will also serve as corporate headquarters R4, which allows direct monitoring of key company programs related to its support in the theater.
R4 provides rapid response, rapid response support training systems legacy, interim and future to help its major customers rd our military men and women. In just three years, the company has expanded from an organization for 4 to 65 employees, and 1 facility in Eatontown to 19 locations around the country and abroad.
"R4 is totally motivated by the needs of the soldier, and we are proud to walk side by side with our customers," said chairman David Lewis acekard R4. "We offer a hands-on link between technology and the warrior. Our employees are truly integrated with the soldiers on the battlefield in order to understand their problems and needs. This focus on the theater is where the beta-test of all products with our customers to precisely meet the needs of our soldiers. "
R4 has a unique business model: Most of the 65 employees R4 are former soldiers who have lived the life of the soldier. R4 employees pride themselves in being able to speak the language of the soldiers, and as such, are able to train soldiers on the battlefield have a natural affinity to translate "Geek Speak" to "soldier talk .
"Customers and the soldiers are based on r4i, as it provides an important practice in the link between technology and the warrior, making products more relevant and much needed for our soldiers on the battlefield," said Lewis. "Our mission is to survive as a soldier, so the philosophy of R4 ® as needed, when needed, we'll be there" is more than just a saying for us. I say this because what we mean and we say it because I lived. "
R4 help PM IED / PF in its mission to provide IED defeat systems that will help you analyze, detect and neutralize the IED threat.
"The mission of R4 is the survival of a soldier, so I look forward to working with the Army to identify and locate products IED defeat our forces will help meet the unknown challenges of the current and emerging security environment," said R4 President David Lewis. "As the legendary General George S. Patton once said, ® just a soldier and his enemies understand the capacity of" a soldier. R4 is committed to keeping our soldiers safe and doing everything possible to stay steps ahead of our enemies. "

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